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MINUTES: February 14, 2005

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; legislators: Bronz, Rogowsky, Wishnie, Stewart-Cousins,LaMotte, Abinanti, Ryan

PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Wishnie, Pinto, Rogowsky, Ryan

HEALTH MEMBERS: Chair: Stewart-Cousins, Abinanti, Alvarado, Ryan

PARKS MEMBERS: Chair: Alvarado; Pinto, Ryan

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS MEMBERS: Chair: Alvarado; Abinanti, Bronz, Ryan

CULTURAL & ETHNIC DIVERSITY MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Alvarado, Bronz, Pinto, Ryan

PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS: Chair: Wishnie; Kaplowitz, Rogowsky

IN ATTENDANCE: CE's office: S. Tolchin, A. Neuman, B. Randolph, K. Ryan; Budget: A. Vietro; Finance: P. Pucillo, S. Broege; DEF: J. Phelan; WCPD: N. Drummond, F. Mclaughlin; DOC: P. Misciosia; Parks: D. Delucia, W. C. Mathews; DPW: R. Butler; BOl: B. Boland, S. Bass, S. Vanderberg, R. Indellicato, J. Perez, D. Toledo, H. Corbin, B. Dodds; Guests: K.Eddings, F. Schwartz, J . Po1late

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:26 a.m.


(Wishnie; Rogowsky) moved to accept the minutes of February 7, 2005.

Motion Carried 5-0.

Receive & File:

(Wishnie; Rogowsky), move to receive & file item B86 Correspondence re: East of Hudson Funds.

Motion Passed 5-0


(Wishnie; Rogowsky) moved to have the Commissioner of Finance pay the package of Court ordered refunds from the County General Fund Certiorari Proceedings Account as well as from the appropriate District Certiorari Proceedings Accounts.

Motion Passed 5-0

With a quorum present, the Committee on Parks was called to order at 10:31 am

ITEM A14/A15

A discussion occurred about the design change and cost increases for the 911 remembrance memorial. Legislators requested a report of private contributions which have been donated thus far. After receiving such information the committee's will discuss the matter again.

(Pinto, Ryan) Moved to adjourn the Committee on Parks.

Motion passed 3-0.

The Parks Committee adjourned at 11 :11 am.

With quorums present, the Committees on Public Works, Health and Cultural Ethnic & Diversity were called to order at 11 :12 am.


(Kaplowitz, LaMotte) moved for the Budget and Appropriations Committee, (Pinto, Wishnie) moved for the Public Works Committee, (Abinanti, Alvarado) moved for the Health Committee, (Bronz, Pinto) moved for the Cultural and Ethnic Diversity Committee the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District be modified to add thirty-four parcels of property which were never part of the District.

Motion approved for Budget and Appropriations 7-0 (Abinanti-WQP). Motion approved for Public Works 5-0.

Motion approved for Cultural and Ethnic Diversity 6-0.

Motion approved for Health 4-0 (Abinanti-WQP).

(Pinto, Wishnie)Motion to adjourn Public Works Committee. Motion approved 5-0. Public Works adjourned at 11 :23 am.

(Abinanti, Alvarado) Motion to adjourn Health Committee Motion approved 4-0. Health Committee adjourned at 11 :23 am.

(Pinto, Rogowsky) Motion to adjourn Cultural and Ethnic Diversity Committee. Motion approved 6-0. Cultural and Ethnic Diversity adjourned at 11 :23 am.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Safety was called to order at 11 :24 am.


(Kaplowitz, Rogowsky) move for the Public Safety Committee, (Wishnie Bronz) move for the Budget and Appropriations Committee to authorize the County to enter into an IMA with the City of White Plains to reimburse them in the amount of $344,210.000 for the costs it incurs in transporting prisoners between White Plains and the Westchester County Jail.

Motion approved for Budget and Appropriations 7-0. Motion approved for Public Safety 3-0.


(Wishnie, Rogowsky) moved for Budget and Appropriations Committee, (Kaplowitz, Rogowsky) moved for the Public Safety Committee to authorize the County to enter into IMA's with thirty local municipalities for prisoner transportation for a total of $790,000.00 for the costs they incur in transporting prisoners who have been arraigned in local criminal courts between each municipality and the Westchester County Jail.

Motion approved for Budget and Appropriations 7-0. Motion approved for Public Safety 3-0.

(Kaplowitz, Rogowsky) move to adjourn Public Safety. Motion approved 3-0. Public Safety adjourned at 11 :30 am.


With a quorum present, the Committee on Community Affairs was called to order at 11 :31 am.

(Wishnie, Rogowsky) moved for Budget and Appropriations, (Bronz, Alvarado) moved for Community Affairs to authorize the filing to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for $8,703,487 and to authorize the county to submit to HUD an amendment to the five year FY 2004-2008 Consolidated Plan.

A discussion occurred about the significant reduction of Federal funds for CDBG. The CDBG program as we know it to exist today will be eliminated. Chairman Kaplowitz said he will draft a resolution urging our Federal delegation to fight to have the funding maintained.

There was also a discussion of this years applications and the projects which the Planning Department hopes to fund.

Motion approved for Budget and Appropriations 7-0.

Motion approved for Community Affairs 3-0.

(Bronz, Alvarado) Motion to adjourn the Committee on Community Affairs. Motion passed 3-0. Community Affairs adjourned at 11 :53 am.

ITEM C111(B0018)

(Wishnie, Rogowsky) move $900,000 in bonds for a fire alarm system upgrade at the Valhalla Campus.

Motion approved 7-0.

ITEM C112(B035A)

(Wishnie, Kaplowitz) move $250,000 in bonds for Heavy Equipment Replacement.

A discussion about air emissions occurred. Legislator Abinanti requested Air Emissions specifications for theses vehicles.

Motion approved 6-0(Abinanti-WOP).

ITEM C113(RB072)

(Wishnie, Stewart-Cousins) move $1,700,000 in bonds for highway/traffic signage replacement.

There was a discussion about encouraging the State Department of Transportation to look into new, improved and safer signs.

Motion approved 6-0(Abinanti, LaMotte-WOP)

ITEM C114(B0064)

(Wishnie, Abinanti) move to approve $1,250,000 in bonds for the rehabilitation of Brockway Place Garage.

A discussion took place about the filtering of the air which comes from the garage. Chairman Kaplowitz suggested the Environment Committee look into the matter.

Legislator Wishnie withdrew his motion. The item will be discussed at a future meeting.

There will be no Budget Committee meeting next week. The next meeting will be he1d on Tuesday, March 1st at10AM.

(Wishnie,LaMotte) Moved to adjourn Budget.

Motion approved 6-0.

Committee on Budget and Appropriations adjourned at 12:23 pm.

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